Das Geschäft bleibt bis zum 08.02.2025 geschlossen. 



Di. - Fr.: 11:00 - 13:30 und 15:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Sa.: 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr

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We welcome our new collection of fresh pearls from Japan.
Dive with us into the fascinating world of pearls!

Welcome to the home of the experts of the finest pearl jewellery.
We invite you to join us on a journey discovering fascinating and exclusive pearl collections.
Our Focus: To illuminate the natural beauty of the pearl, and create a special,
everlasting experience for the wearer.


  • Fachkompetenz
  • Expertise

    Being Münster's only specialists for pearls, we display our expertise through our exclusive knowledge of pearl jewellery. Quality and stable value is our top priority. With many years of experience and a skilled eye, we consistently deliver high quality products and services to our customers. Since 1985, this expertise has created trusting bonds with our perceptive customers.

  • Internationalität
  • Internationalität

    From all the corners of the world... ...from the deep south seas... ...from the deep blue lagoons of Tahiti... ...from the southern Japan... ...from the world's most infamous pearl farms, we ascertain our high-end assortments of pearls. Prepare to be captivated by our internationally-sourced collections.

  • Finest quality
  • Finest quality

    Nothing but nature can provide each individual pearl its unique imprinting. Only a few of these pearls fulfil the highest of quality expectations. By directly sourcing at their place of birth we carefully select and secure the most exceptional, rare pearls.

  • Individuality
  • Individuality

    We are glad to design and create your bespoke jewellery according to your personal desires and preferences. We believe that every piece of jewellery should be one of a kind.

 logo perlen fuer sie muenster

Bült 5, 48143 MÜNSTER
Tel.:  0251-54211 - Mob.: 0171-9505268

 Opening Hours:
Tue. to Fri: 11.00 to 13.30 and 15.00 to 18.00
Sat.: 10.00 to 14.00